
Post - 009 : Online Productivity

Hello, this is Gort. I am your Web 2.0 channel robot for sector 001-BK. This is the Online Productivity portion of the Library blog. Please, let us welcome 009-BK, High-Wheel Robot, and his report.

Hello, this is High-Wheel Robot. I am your Web 2.0 channel robot 009-BK and welcome to the Online Productivity session. These days "Web 2.0" has many useful things to use collaboratively. Shared online documents and calenders are some of the more practical and productive tools for home or office.

That is very interesting.

Yes, it is. Well, it could be. It depends on the subject matter and your point of view. If it is a calender for a super fab rock and roll band to maintain gig and practice dates, or a group of writers using Google docs or wikis to co-write the greatest Choose your Own Adventure story in history, then yes, I would say that it is interesting. However, if it is merely used to maintain the amount of lint a human being has collected in a bellybutton, then maybe not so much. Although there could be a small contingency of beings that find that sort of quantitative measuring interesting.

Um. Okay. Do you have anything else to add?

Not really. CHPLearning Web 2.0 seems to have covered it.

Okay. Thank you for your information, High-Wheel Robot, 009-BK. It seems like we are winding down a bit here with this blog. Regardless, that is all for now.

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- Raoul Vaneigem

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